I just published this Big Think post on Medium.com, because it’s time for more people, not just the choir, to understand what’s going on in healthcare. We’ve all got to stop asking the wrong questions about healthcare – who pays for it – and we’ve all got to start asking the right ones – what we pay for – and what to do about that. I get into that too.

This is a post you can show to your friends and family without having their eyes roll up in their heads. They may actually thank you and want to talk with you about it.

Early reactions include:

“Should be required reading for all Congresspersons, doctors, hospital administrators, and number crunchers in hospitals and insurance companies.” — Gil W.

Truly first-rate analysis! – Patricia W.

Brilliant article  — Oz C.

Excellent article. Well thought out and written so most can understand the complexities and potential solutions. Lots to chomp on! – Mark A.

Take a look and let me know what you think. If you like it, “heart” it on Medium so more people will see it.
