by joeflower | Oct 6, 2016 | Commentary, Featured, Future Hospital Industry, Healthcare 2.0, New Healthcare Technology
What It is: You’ve heard of bitcoin, that magical digital money not attached to any national economy or banking system? Blockchain is the technology behind it. It’s a clever extension of existing encryption techniques that enables trusted, secure transactions of any...
by joeflower | May 19, 2016 | Commentary, Featured
Are you ready? Here it is: We don’t know. You don’t know. Nobody knows. In fact, Trump doesn’t know. And this is not a criticism, at least not exactly. It’s more an observation of his style, of what makes Trump tick. A mad-for-Bernie friend, just yesterday, said to...
by joeflower | Jan 20, 2016 | Featured, Healthcare Management, Top Healthcare Stories
A primer for tactical decision-making in times of deep change. The problem at the core of the “volume to value” movement, the shoals it is running aground on, is this: How do you make it work economically? How does your organization make a living at it? To put a finer...
by joeflower | Jul 14, 2015 | Featured, Future Hospital Industry, Healthcare Management, Systems Thinking, Top Healthcare Stories
When the pace of change is accelerating, you need a flexible process and a paradoxical mind. How do you plan? Obviously, you have to. Obviously, you can’t. For your organization, and for you as a health care leader, the rapid and at times chaotic changes in the...
by jflower | Jul 27, 2010 | Featured
For the first time, we have the potential to use real data to drive the effectiveness of health care. But large practical obstacles bar the way. We can’t get there from here without specific action and real leadership from across the...
by jflower | Jul 27, 2010 | Featured
More than half of our current physicians intend to retire or cut back their practices at the very time that 30 to 40 million new people are entering the system, and the Baby Boom is entering its years of “peak medicine.” The necessity of producing more doctors, and...